Friday, May 13, 2016

Be strong

My dear,
I hope you waking up to the chirping of birds,
and the warm glow of sunlight,
in warm bed sheets,
on a good breezy morning.
Last night, ended in a way not quite you expected,
but you know it's alright,
and it's not your fault things turned that way.

Most times, people are lovely and sweet,
but they do show their fangs and back sometimes.
They might be tired, stressed, hurt,
but not by you,
by the people they cared or does not care for.
They bare their fangs onto you,
in order to get rid the darkness inside them,
but you stayed strong.
Not joining in and unleashed your dark shadows,
is the best decision you had ever make.

My dear,
Although tears streams down,
in your room after leaving them,
but these tears strengthen you,
reminding you of who you are.
At these times,
wisdom words of closest,
will set you free from what you feared of,
and stayed true to your own.
Enlightened by the scars and ugly emotions you faced,
now standing there in the morning glow,
by those pale blue curtains,
is a stronger you to face new challenges.

Behind the story:

Well i wrote this when I find it hard to deal with other peoples ugly emotions. They can be a friend, acquaintance from work or school, where they are caught up by their own emotions and hoping to find someone to share their shadows. If they had done it in a more frank and positive way, the other party is able to effectively shares their burden and consoles them. But there are those who are driven by their egos, luring you to feel the same way as they had and enforcing their intentions on you, hoping you to say "Yes! I felt exactly the way you said so," just to make them feel the same way as they are. It doesn't feel right, when a friend of mine tried make me to agree with her. I feel uncomfortable and emotionally drained throughout the day. But thanks to a close friend, I'm back on track now! I hope that this piece of work (not sure is a poem or article or what) would help those who need to lighten these emotional burden on them, just like how it had healed mine :)

Friday, March 25, 2016


真是的,又再把事情想像的太好了,算了吧,自己的分量自己知道。或许我现在很随意,很包容,可是别把我的包容给耗尽,那是你就会懂我的冷眼,可能我现在对你来说,是不离不弃,但是,我走的时候也毫无预兆,也不会留恋的向前走。曾经听过一句话,在一段感情里,往往爱得越深的人越吃亏,看似乎对的,但那也只是还在感情中的时候。往往付出越多的人,在离开时,也走得更潇洒,因为他们已经尽力了,没有遗憾,反而那些一直在接受的人,是最放不开的人,因为他们懂他们可以做得更好,一直紧捉着那遗憾。 是的,仔细想想,的确我没什么遗憾,因为不管是友情或爱情,我都是会尽我的好来对待他们,我想这应该是我的唯一优点吧,虽然也是我最致命的缺点。看看我还能耗多久吧,我这个笨蛋。想到了林宥嘉的浪费,虽然我不是像他唱的“用我一生给你浪费”, 但也有点相似,在他的情感方面吧。

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


很感谢这一年,和这新的一年,更加地看清了自己的不足,现在,看到的不再是他人的不对,而是自己的不好。心里也不在痛苦折磨了,朋友的那句话来的刚好,“兔子用跳的,活了8年;狗用跑的,活了15年;乌龟啥都不做,活了150年。” 有时候,我也得我在错的地方活得太过认真,去猜测他人的真心,这种其实没答案啊,又不是她肚里的蛔虫,哪懂真不真诚,这种是日子久了就看得出了啦。这样只会让自己变得精神恍惚,没自信呢。就顺其自然吧,也不能干嘛的。
呵呵,昨天和一个很久没见的朋友去了槟城哦!天,太太太开心了,其实也没想到我妈会让我去呢,第一次坐着朋友的车到槟城去,超嗨的,前晚还睡不着呢!三个傻瓜,进了鬼屋,却都怕鬼,哈哈哈!真的留了很好的回忆呢 :D